
Project Overview

The current system for publishing scientific research is expensive and inefficient, costing around 10 billion USD annually. This money, which comes from university budgets and research grants, could be better spent on actual research. Instead, it goes into publishing processes that create barriers for accessing important research findings.

Our project aims to change this by creating a web portal that uses modern internet technologies to make the review and ranking of scientific articles more open and accessible. This portal will allow researchers to share their work more easily and help others find high-quality research without the high costs associated with traditional publishing.

In simple terms, our project exists to make scientific research more accessible and affordable for everyone, improving how research is shared and evaluated.


This documentation is intended for both developers and stakeholders. Developers will find technical details, guides, and resources to contribute to and maintain the project, while stakeholders will gain insights into the project’s objectives, features, and benefits.


The documentation covers all aspects of the project, from installation and setup to detailed descriptions of the system’s architecture and features. It also includes user guides, technical documentation, development workflows, and contribution guidelines.

Core Features

The website's core features are organized into four main areas:

  1. Users: Registration, authentication, profile management, and user interactions.
  2. Articles: Users can create, post, and manage scientific articles, contributing to the body of research available on the platform.
  3. Communities: Users can create and join communities, fostering collaboration and discussion within specific research domains. Articles can be posted within these communities to facilitate targeted discourse.
  4. Posts: Updates on scientific research papers, including reviews and quality rankings, are posted to keep the community informed and engaged.

By focusing on these core features, our platform aims to streamline the research publishing process, enhance peer review and quality assessment, and make scientific knowledge more accessible to the global community.